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Are you tired of arriving in Spain to rest and always having to deal with administrative formalities that prevent you from enjoying yourself?
As a non-resident owner in Spain, you have to pay three taxes every year.
The property tax on your property (IBI) from the Hacienda Autonómica (regional tax authorities).
Taxes from the Local Treasury (Hacienda Local)
The non-resident income tax return (Mod. 210) from the State Treasury.
Did you know that if you have a home in Spain and live less than 183 days a year, you are a non-resident and have tax obligations to fulfil?

What a hassle to solve administrative problems in a language you don't know in a country that is not yours!
You can take care of it yourself and let a thousand questions arise from the paperwork:
Where do I apply?
How much money do I have to pay?
How to pay by direct debit?
How to avoid surcharges and garnishments?
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